
Hi! I'm FireBADnoFire and this is my website. "Testing in production, gaming during work hours." -me, allegedly

I have many websites, some are listed below: which is the main domain.
firebadnofire.libre Hobbiest website where I show off dumb things I make. theo.oss Personal website for myself.

".libre" and ".oss" are TLD domains under the OpenNIC DNS system. Want to visit them? Use OpenNIC DNS. You can either use the servers listed on or you can use mine at

I highly recommend checking out firebadnofire.libre first since it has plans for some fun things to be hosted on it.
Check out my my Firefox addon
My fav music: here
How to torrent: here
Some of art I have commissioned from artists: here
Want to contact me? Ask me a question? Bother me? See my contact info here